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                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
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{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
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—— 辛波斯卡《呼喚雪人》





FORBIDDEN FRUIT Season II 延續黃鴻升所規劃發想的概念 - 從禁果為原點,探索與編織對於未知神秘領域的故事,此次的章節來到銀白的雪地,跟隨著那團圓滾滾毛絨絨的奇特生物,初觸紫色禁果,如夢似幻,彷彿首圓舞曲,闡述生命在獲得與失去間不斷迴旋,直至安詳的歸處。

In the snowy white cold windy night, we approach the strange light that shines onto the vast land. At the first glance, the trees bear bountiful purple fruits that was never seen before. The origin of the strange light is found - a strange large disk is floating above the sky behind the tree. Alas, it’s late. Please be kind and turn off the lights, as we need to get up early in the cold morning to hunt! At this time, a red-horn creature slowly revolves and rises up to the disk, and the disk roars into the sky. In a flash, the darkness returns to the world. The purple fruits on the tree, now scatter all over the ground…. look delicious…

FORBIDDEN FRUIT Season II continues to pursue the concept of Alien Huang's planning and ideas that originated with the Forbidden Fruit. Exploring and weaving the story of the unknown mysterious realm, this chapter now arrives at the land of the silvery snow, with the encounter of the strange fluffy creatures with the purple forbidden fruit. A dreamlike waltzing fantasy, expounding that life is constantly orbiting between gain and loss, till peace returns.