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Alien Evolution Studio®
適逢 AES (ALIEN EVOLUTION STYDIO) 十週年,AES 特別邀請 wisdom® 一同創作聯名系列 - AESDOM® MOUNTION COLLECTION。雙方先將品牌名稱拆解重組成虛擬概念單位:AESDOM®,透過充滿山系的視覺色調出發結合機能細節、街頭元素、軍事概念以及時裝風格等多元面向,選用防潑水材質、厚實棉布與日本毛料相互拼接搭配,呈現出 AESDOM® 饒富玩味的街頭時尚系列套裝。
In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of AES(Alien Evolution Studio), AES invites wisdom® to join forces for a collaborative collection “AESDOM® MOUNTAIN COLLECTION”. The two breaks apart both brand names and reconstruct into a ghost unit AESDOM®, based off earth tone colorways of the outdoor style, the collection not only covers functionality, streetwear, military and fashion, but using water-repellent materials, heavy cotton and Japanese wool to shape the collection into a fun and playful Hi-street fashion collection.
ABOUT Alien Evolution Studio:
AES進化吧工作室創立於2008年九月, 其創辦人為小鬼黃鴻升/Alien Huang。Alien Huang 對於街頭服飾及設計公仔有極高熱情與理想,初期以店面結合工作室、展覽活動以及商品販售的複合式場域販售商品之外,並與眾人分享展示他公仔的收藏,做為一個資訊分享的空間。更在同年十一月創立品牌AES (ALIEN EVOLUTION STUDIO) 。十年來一直堅持著街頭穿搭,特殊剪裁以及設計結構,以每季主題的極簡圖像再加以點綴。我們認為服裝是武裝自己的武器,沒有既定的樣貌,因此可以呈現自由度極高的品牌個性。破壞,重組,是設計裡念,也是一直創造不斷進化的精神。繼續走向下一個10年。
ABOUT Alien Evolution Studio:
In September 2008, Alien Huang founded Alien Evolution Studio. In the early days, the Studio comprised three zones – a design studio, an exhibition space and a merchandise section. With Alien’s passion for street wear and designer toys, the Studio provided the perfect setting for Alien to exhibit and share his toy collection with other fellow toy collectors. In November of the same year, the clothing label AES (Alien Evolution Studio) was launched.
For the past decade, AES has insisted on structured design and distinctive tailoring to create a collection with style and individuality.Our design philosophy is Deconstruct to Reconstruct; and we will continue to evolve in our creation as we progress to the next decade.
ABOUT wisdom®:
創立自2009年,從早期城市街頭轉進都會戶外的概念服飾設計,至今以更完整、細膩且洗鍊的開發能力,為穿梭不同都市城鎮的現代旅人、漫遊行者,提供多元的貼身工藝性製作,讓沿途不同經緯區域所遇上的節氣狀況,仍能保有其:「輕機能 便旅型 | TRIP EASY, FUNCTION BEAUTY」的品牌本質,包括輕快舒爽的膚觸考量、活動便利的版型剪裁,到行色裝載的空間收納,具體為當代男裝型塑出兼備日常生活品味,以及機能美學法則的風格實踐。
來自不同旅行路途中的穿戴使用者經驗,並歸納整理出“移 / 地 / 輕 / 旅”的設計概念:移動便利、地理適性、輕裝隨身、旅伴親膚等四大製作考量重點,透過來往不同城市的動念反思,選用多樣化的科技、環保材質面料或副料,在整體的穿著活動性、對應節氣的親膚性與打包收納的多樣化作用,呈現品牌講究細緻入微的工法,提供完整多元的與時俱進製作,讓每一次的啟程、經途、歸航,都有我們最快適而貼心的伴隨。
ABOUT wisdom®:
Founded in 2009, wisdom® evolves from urban street to urban outdoor styles in its apparel design. With sophisticated and advanced development capabilities, we offer a wide range of designs for modern travelers that shuttle in different metropolises and weathers. We are committed to TRIP EASY, FUNCTION BEAUTY quality to include lightweight and comfortable fabrics, functional and convenient cuttings, as well as appropriate and suitable storage, to ensure stylish and functional contemporary menswear.
For user experiences on the move, we take mobility, lightweight, agility, and comfort into main considerations. To meet diverse demands, we adopt various technologies, eco-friendly materials, breathable fabrics and storage spaces, Our detailed, evolving techniques update each collection to accompany each and every of your journey.